Brothers Rugby Club to Rework Crosby Park Master Plan

crosby park

Following a consultation with the Albion community earlier this year, the Brothers Rugby Club has taken the feedback onboard and decided to revise their plans for Crosby Park.

Based on the community consultation held in February 2019, the top three concerns of the residents are the trees, loss of public space, and covered seating.

To address these concerns, the club proposed to reduce the impact on existing trees to an estimated 12. Brothers guaranteed to enhance green space by planting new trees in the area.

In addition to increasing the public green space along Crosby Road, the club proposes to provide covered tiered seating at new grandstand area and more terraced landscaped seating around the fields.

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Next Steps

Brothers will conduct further pre-lodgement meetings with Council officers and State government and will do another round of community consultation in the months to come.

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Once the revised development proposal is approved, the club will start working on the funding and development of the project.

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Photo Credit: Brothers Rugby

About the Crosby Park Upgrade

With more than 4,000 members to date, Brothers decided to come up with enhancements on the fields and facilities to meet the current and future demand of their ever-growing user base.  

The upgrade is proposed to take place in two stages over a 24-month period.

Stage 1 includes resurfacing of the existing sporting fields, upgrading Field Two’s lighting, and new seating for spectators.

It also includes construction of a new game and training facility, space for allied use tenancies, and repositioning of the main club parking facilities.

Meanwhile, the second stage will be for the construction of commercial spaces that could be food and beverage, health, sport or recreation-related.

Stage 2 will also include the introduction of car parking spaces off Crosby Road and further repositioning and upgrading the main Club parking facilities to achieve greater efficiency and more parking spaces overall.

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