Brisbane Airport Domestic Passengers Registered Biggest Growth in Five Years: FY18 Report

Photo credit:Brisbane Airport/

The BAC fiscal year 2018 report indicates the biggest growth in five years for Brisbane Airport domestic passengers. There were additional 263,000 domestic passengers for  a 1.5 per cent increase from FY17. The domestic passengers volume totaled 17.5 million.

For FY18, Brisbane Airport international passengers grew by 5.2 per cent or more than 5.9 million. The China and Hong Kong market registered its largest year-on-year passenger volume growth so far, up by 20 per cent. Following China and Hong Kong are Malaysia (up by 19.6 per cent), India (up by 14.7 per cent), and Korea (up by 13.9 per cent).

Video credit: Brisbane Airport/Youtube</span

Overall, the FY18 saw a 2.4 per cent year-on-year increase in passenger numbers, including domestic and international traffic. Passenger numbers grew to more than 23.4 million passengers.

More Direct Flights, Seats, and Partnership With Local and State Government Fueled Passenger Growth

BNE attributes the increase in passengers numbers, both international and intrastate, from direct flights and more seats to and from Brisbane Airport. During the same period, there was also a 5.8 per cent increase in seats to global destinations.

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“There’s no doubt Brisbane, South East Queensland and Queensland as a whole, offers many compelling and unparalleled reasons for new airlines to consider bringing their aircraft into this market,” Gert-Jan de Graaff, Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC) Chief Executive Officer said.

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“This is why BAC aggressively competes to attract new airlines, bigger and more efficient aircraft, and additional flights from our city to unserved direct destinations.” he said.

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For the first time in three years, intrastate passengers traffic grew owing to increased seat capacity to/from Brisbane. Some intrastate routes showed good growth with  Proserpine, Mackay, and Townsville outperforming other destinations and absorbing the additional seats.
Video credit: Brisbane Airport/Youtube</span

“The figures show the considerable efforts we undertake in aviation attraction, along with the contributions our partners in local and state government make through various incentive schemes, trade missions and campaigns, boosts visitors to Queensland, with Brisbane the gateway to the city, as well as the broader region, from northern NSW to Tropical North Queensland,” Mr de Graaff said.

Looking Forward to 2019

“As the opening of Brisbane’s new runway draws near, we remain committed to championing Brisbane and Queensland to the world, while continuing the roll-out of our extensive multi-billion dollar infrastructure program, growing and updating our facilities and services with a keen focus on providing an exceptional customer experience,” Mr de Graaff concludes.

Brisbane Airport Corporation expects that the capacity growth will spill over into the next 12 months. New services will open next year to reinforce international passenger growth. Domestic passenger growth, on the other hand, is expected to show modest growth in FY19.


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